Ceiling Fan Maintenance: A Quick Guide
A ceiling fan doesn’t draw much focus to itself, so it’s easy to forget when you’re keeping track of regular household maintenance. As with every machine, however, your ceiling fan requires a little care to keep it running consistently.
Change the blade direction
You can find a tiny toggle on your fan’s turbine casing. This transition shifts the way the fan blades are spinning. In summer, they’re supposed to rotate anticlockwise to produce a downdraft that blows air over your body, cooling you down.

But when you switch on the heater in fall, turn the rotor blades to the clockwise and adjust the fan to the lowest setting. Moving in this manner, the blades generate an updraft that draws cool air from the lower portion of your space to the roof and drives warm air out and down towards you.
This stops the hot air from pooling above the ceiling, so that more of it falls down where you can appreciate it.
Clean It
The developing of dust on your overhead fan blades can upset the balance between both the mass of each blade, contributing to a wobble. Dust can also make its way into the motor casing and motor, which can make the fan to screech.
To clean up your fan, first lay some sheets underneath to catch the dropping dust. Mix the soapy water mixture, plunge the microfiber cleaning in the liquid, and clean each blade with the damp cloth. Rinse the blades with a clean, damp towel and dry them with some other cloth. Different fan finishes might require special cleaning methods. For example, timber blade ceiling fans might require a different cleaning technique compared to the antique brushed nickel fan.
Head off Issues with scheduled inspection
Rapid rotation and motion of the components of your fan can make them to work loosen and wear out. Checking the fan every two to three months that you use will keep the fan running effectively and increases its lifetime.
One of the most common issues is a weak bracket, which can prompt your fan to flicker. It’s unlikely that a wobbling fan would collapse, but it may cause the light fitting to fall, so it’s not anything to overlook. Clamping all noticeable screws also allows the fan to work smoothly again. Fasten not only the bolts on the motor casing, but also the bolts on the blades and the light.

Top Up the Oil
Read the user manual for your device to find out if the fan needs oiling. If this is the case, the guide should tell you which kind of oils to use as well as how to add it. The oil hole of the ceiling fan is normally on the top of the motor casing near the down bar or on the motor itself. If you can’t seem to find this hole, the motor probably doesn’t need oil.
Handle your ceiling fan well, and it’ll give you energy-efficient ventilation in the summer, and keep you feeling warm in the winter. By maintaining your fan periodically and taking the time to test for wear, you will keep it running reliably for years to come.
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